About the morning-after pill with the experts

  Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or after contraception has failed. But you may be wondering how effective  Plan B really is? Is it still working? In this  article, Flo, we asked the experts  about the morning-after pill and the possibility of getting pregnant after taking Plan B.Let's get immediately to the point gigolo.


Prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex or when contraception has failed (e.g. a condom rupture). It works by blocking the release of an egg  from the ovary during ovulation, preventing the egg from being fertilised when ovulation has already occurred, or preventing a fertilised egg from implanting in the mother's uterus. There are many brands of levonorgestrel EC pills that work  the same way.This form of work is first-rate while taken as quickly as viable after unprotected sex, preferably inside 12 hours.


 Levonorgestrel EC is 95% effective when taken within 24 hours. When taken 48-72 hours after unprotected sex, the  effective rate  of Plan B is 61%. The longer you wait, the less effective Plan B will become, so get it soon gigolo meaning


 Side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness or vomiting may occur after taking Plan B.If you vomit within two hours of taking the pill, you must tell your doctor straight away: you need  a second dose or are using another form of emergency contraception, such as B. a copper coil to prevent pregnancy.


 Another form of morning-after pill contains ulipristal acetate as the main ingredient and can prevent pregnancy if taken up to five days later. But they still work much better if taken within the first three days.


 You may also be wondering if the timing of your cycle of EC pills matters?


 The short answer is yes.How effective Plan B is depends not only on how soon after unprotected sex you take it, but also on where you are in your cycle. For example, if you have already ovulated (within 24 hours), EC may be less effective. This is a case where you can still get pregnant after taking Plan B. If you want to know when you are likely to ovulate, use this online ovulation calculator.


Took the levonorgestrel pill during or after ovulation and got pregnant are.However, none of the 87 women who took it in the five days leading up to ovulation became pregnant.

Plan B's effectiveness may also decrease if a person is overweight or obese.

 A 2011 study published in the journal Contraception  found that obese people were three times more likely to become pregnant after taking the EC pill than people with a normal body mass index gigolo job.


 Experts recommend the copper IUD as emergency contraception for people weighing more than 100 pounds. In fact, it is the most effective form of CE.Who get a copper IUD after unprotected sex becomes pregnant.


 It's also important to note that some medications and supplements can decrease the effectiveness of Plan B. These include the antibiotic rifampicin, the antifungal griseofulvin, some HIV medications, some anticonvulsants, and  St. John's worst gigolo service.



 The morning-after pill is most effective before ovulation. This is because they prevent the egg from being released from the ovary, leaving no egg available for a sperm to fertilise. But if you're already ovulating, the pill can prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg.


 If enough time has passed since unprotected intercourse and an egg has already been fertilized, plan B can prevent the egg from implanting in the uterus.Unfortunately, if a fertilized egg has already been implanted in the uterus before taking Plan B, it is too late and will not prevent pregnancy. Time is of the essence here.


 After  sex, it takes up to six days for the egg to be fertilized and another three to four days for the fertilized egg to implant in the lining of the womb. If you are of childbearing potential, using a copper IUD as emergency contraception is a safer option to prevent pregnancy gigolo club.


 It may also be useful to know that taking the morning-after pill will not harm the fetus if you  are already pregnant.


 How do you know if Plan B worked?


 You will know if your emergency birth control was working when you have your next period, which may be within a week of your due date.  If you don't have a period within three weeks of taking EC, take a pregnancy test gigolo song.


 Is it possible to use birth control plan B?


 Yes, you can use birth control plan B. If you forget to take  birth control pills and have had unprotected sex, you can take  morning-after pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy. You can resume  birth control immediately.It is best to use another form of contraception (e.g. condoms) until contraception is fully effective after missing one or more pills.Visit iplayboy.in and earn money.


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